This cub stood and watch me for while and then was startled. Eventually climbed tree were its mother was.
Black Bears sometimes roll around in there sleep like humans do.
Large Male Black Bear November is a great time to see them this large
B11-16 This Moma which I have nicknamed Majestic feeds her cub while calling the other out of a tree
B11-7 Majestic cub looks with curiosity as it gets used to my presence
B11-9 Majestic cub watches from the safety of the guarded tree
Click to see detail of cards and prints. Moma has had a hard day, so she naps!
Moma has her tummy full and will now sleep for a few hours if left alone. However, the cubs are likely to bother her. To purchase prints of any picture visit Cades Cove store or email for more information. PWG
Bears have amazing balance to be so big.
MB4-2 Bear stands and is distracted by another Bear Breaking limbs at a creek bed
B8-1 To see this type of activity you have to be very patient and silent. Keep in mind she will always know you are there.
B9-1 Cubs will not always notice you. This one finally noticed me after an hour of shots had been taken.
B4-1 Bears do not drink very frequently they use the fluids from there food to help supplement.
B9-4 This is one of three of the cubs in this litter.
B3-3 Treat Bears with respect and they will generally not harm you.
B7-1 This is the standing cub after it was startled and it eventually was comfortable enough to come back down from the tree.
B2-3 Bears will generally stand for a reason.
B9-18 Moma relaxes while feeding her cubs very early in the morning.
Ready for 2023
Welcome 2023 Hope you have a Great vacation and while out enjoy Cades Cove and the Smokies