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B12-064b1 View a video of this mom feeding below. She stood to look at a Male Bear for a moment then looked at me.
Fawn feeds from mom
Buck at creek bed near bear
This is Carters shields place a great spot to review history and spot a bear
Cub shoots up a tree after its sibling
B12-064a Look for 2007 prints of cubs 14 mths older get both sets
Moma is calling other cub from tree
After a long nap this mom feeds her cub
These cubs take a break in the tree while moma guards below after being spooked by sounds in the forest moments ago.
Not available in print.This mom is upset at another bear in the woods behind me. It was gone by the time I decided to turn and see, I listened to tell the distance it was from me so I would not disturb the momas comfort level I had gained.
We accept most major credit cards. Moma feeding Cubs Video "click below to purchase an edited DVD for a smooth watch for Only $9.95"